This forum is intended for international users to help them with the treatment of cardiomyopathy or heart failure.
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- Berichten: 109
- Lid geworden op: zo okt 14, 2007 1:30 pm
- Locatie: Northwestern USA
door shane » wo dec 09, 2009 9:58 pm
Hi Marion,
Your English is just fine, it is also confusing to me sometimes on how to spell
Wow! Your experience was quite scary too. I'm glad you came out of it feeling better and prayers do help!
The doctors said he would be in pain for another few weeks, so maybe his back and ribs will feel better then. They were trying to get him physical therapy help, but haven't heard anything.
I have a blog called that people have left their "praise" posts and I always am interested in others experiences.
Take good care, and thank you for your replies!
Corrij (therapeut)
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- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » vr dec 11, 2009 5:47 pm
Hello Verona,
I think you must ask the cardiologist about supplementation.
It`s to difficult for me, there is danger of blood clotting, and some of the supplements you must avoid.
So please ask your doctor about this, and let us know what he recommend,
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 109
- Lid geworden op: zo okt 14, 2007 1:30 pm
- Locatie: Northwestern USA
door shane » vr dec 11, 2009 9:58 pm
Hi Corrij,
That's okay, I understand. The cardiologists here don't believe in nutritional supplementation for healing though. They would rather make money on heart transplants!
I do have an ND I can check with in the US....I'll keep you posted!
Have a good weekend,
Corrij (therapeut)
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » wo feb 03, 2010 10:44 pm
Hello Verona,
Your so quiet, is everything oke?
I realy hope so,
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 109
- Lid geworden op: zo okt 14, 2007 1:30 pm
- Locatie: Northwestern USA
door shane » do feb 04, 2010 8:06 am
Hi Corrij,
Shane is doing much better! He is now up to 150 lbs. and has gotten a lot more energy. He's still on the same meds that I told you about in the last post and we will be in to see his heart doctor tomorrow.
We have been staying with my Uncle who lives close to the hospital that are VAD and Heart Specialists. We have been here, about 5 hours from home for over two months. We'll find out when we can get back home at the appointment tomorrow.
I'll try and ask them if he can get back on the protocol. Doctors frown on getting better naturally though. I wasn't able to contact the naturpath here. He wanted Shane to take all his brand supplements which meant changing everything Shane was already taking. Shane was getting better with your protocol and I'd rather have him on those supplements.
Take care!
Corrij (therapeut)
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » do feb 04, 2010 6:16 pm
Hello Verona,
I`m very very happy to hear that he`s doing fine
I hope to hear soon from you,
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 109
- Lid geworden op: zo okt 14, 2007 1:30 pm
- Locatie: Northwestern USA
door shane » vr feb 05, 2010 6:03 am
Hi Corrij,
The cardiologist said that it is okay for Shane to take the supplements from your protocol! He said that he wasn't sure if it would really make a difference because of the poor condition of Shane's heart (but we know better).
He did say to take fish oil and thought that it would be good for Shane. Now Shane said he will take a few of the supplements but won't go for the whole protocol. We will start slow, may be with the Ubiquinol and the L-Carnitine. Any suggestions?
Thank you!

Corrij (therapeut)
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » vr feb 05, 2010 10:23 am
Hi Verona,
The ubiquinol- carnitine and the taurine are the most important ones, so start with these three supplements,
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 109
- Lid geworden op: zo okt 14, 2007 1:30 pm
- Locatie: Northwestern USA
door shane » vr feb 05, 2010 8:15 pm
I'll get him started today....
Thanks so much, and have a great weekend!!
Corrij (therapeut)
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » vr mei 14, 2010 8:38 pm
Hello Verona,
Can you give us a little update?
How is Shane`s condition at this moment?
Hope to hear soon from you,
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 109
- Lid geworden op: zo okt 14, 2007 1:30 pm
- Locatie: Northwestern USA
door shane » za mei 15, 2010 11:40 pm
Hi Corrij,
He is doing very well! He We are invited to a dinner to meet with local cardiologists about the LVAD that he has. The local doctors here will observe how it works, etc. They are talking about a heart transplant in the fall for him.
I think if he would have been older, he may have stuck with the protocol more consistently, because it was working. I can't even get him to take multi-vitamins right now, and it is very frustrating. I have to learn to let go and whatever he decides to do is up to him.
The only thing that hurts is that when he doesn't take care of himself, his family pays the price too.
How are you doing Corrij? Hope your year is going good so far!

Corrij (therapeut)
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » ma mei 17, 2010 11:07 am
Hello Verona,
Thank you for your quick repley
I`m very happy to read that he is doing very well.
I know its very frustrating, you want the best for him, but he`s decide what to do and how to do it.
Its wise to let go, its now in the hands of the cardiologists.
I am doing fine, thank you for asking
Take good care of yourself and please keep us informed,
best wishes,
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
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- Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
- Locatie: Exloo
door Willy » ma feb 08, 2016 12:34 pm
Please help Corrij with here work and post the results of the treatment on the
1, your condition before treatment
2. what you did
3. and what your have achieved
If you already posted a result message please update this message regularly
Thank You
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Willy Witsel
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Corrij (therapeut)
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 3948
- Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm
door Corrij (therapeut) » ma feb 08, 2016 2:15 pm
Shane died a few years ago
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.
- Verslaafd aan het forum
- Berichten: 14759
- Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
- Locatie: Exloo
door Willy » ma feb 08, 2016 3:45 pm
I did not know that, I closed this thread
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Willy Witsel
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