I received a pacemaker 10 years ago as an emergency after blacking out and then developing total heart block when given a stress test. After this I had low blood pressure, was dizzy and unable to walk easily for 6 months and when this improved still had difficulty walking up slopes. I did have pericardial effusion which healed with Chinese medicine and hasn't returned. In 2011, I developed heart failure which was treated with a biventricular pacemaker- defibrillator. My EF was then low 20s.
Fortunately I found this forum 15 months ago and began taking L Carnitane, D Ribose, Magnesium, vitamin D, CQ10 ubiquinol, and vitamin C and have continued doing this. At that time I had pulmonary embolism following operations to remove and replace a broken pacemaker wire and this resolved shortly after. I found the supplements very quickly helped improve my symptoms of breathlessness on exertion and I was not as dizzy . I also had more energy and experience much less energy if I miss taking the supplements. I have been advised on subsequent checkups that my heart function has remained constant, and not worsened as it had been doing, and for which I am very grateful.
I have been advised my heart is not dilated, my lower heart pumps better but my heart is weak and pumps unevenly due to a thin atrial septum which does not move. My ejection fraction is approximately 32 last week (I'm told my EF is difficult to measure accurately). Medicines have been restricted because of my low blood pressure, and I also reacted to one that was tried.
Unfortunately my breathlessness and lightheadedness became worse recently and my pacemaker test in December showed I was having some transient episodes of atrial tachycardia and atrial arrthymias. I was prescribed an ace inhibiter and my symptoms improved. My cardiologist requested I do the tests to qualify for a transplant ( takes 6 months here and must be done before a transplant can be approved) in case my heart worsens suddenly and I had a right heart catheter 5 days ago, after which I have been very dizzy, with headaches and fatigued, though this is improving. Today I was asked to stop the ace inhibiter to see if that helps these new symptoms. The doctors believe my heart will probably deteriorate and I will need a transplant but I am focusing on healing. I have also been doing meditation and gradually increasing my exercise by walking and have seen an environmental doctor who also supports supplementation and is doing new tests to try to find a cause for my heart issues.
My experience
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- Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
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Re: My experience
Thank you for sharing your reslts with us
Please let us know how much and what you are using at the moment for supplements
Not HERE but in your discussion thread viewtopic.php?f=65&t=11563
Please let us know how much and what you are using at the moment for supplements
Not HERE but in your discussion thread viewtopic.php?f=65&t=11563
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Willy Witsel
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Willy Witsel
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