VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY diagnosed Dec, 2014

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Lid geworden op: di mei 05, 2015 11:50 pm

VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY diagnosed Dec, 2014

Bericht door mdenzler » wo aug 26, 2015 1:58 am

Last December, 2014 I was diagnosed with Viral Cardiomyopathy. I had shortness of breath when sleeping and walking. My BNP was over 400 and my EF was 25%. I was put on a number of high blood pressure medications including an ACE inhibitor, Beta Blocker, Digoxin and Diuretic. I started taking some supplements also in the beginning of 2015, but found this forum in May, 2015 and started following the protocol as outlined by Willie.

I have been using the full protocol now for about 4 months and recently had a blood test which showed my BNP is now down to 82! :D This is a normal level and my doctor is astonished and doesn't really know what to say except to just keep doing what I'm doing! The BNP is one of the indicators for heart failure. I will have another echocardiogram test in another two months and see what my EF is, but it will probably be better also. I will report back when I get the results! I no longer have any shortness of breath either sleeping or exercising, walk every day, travel, and generally just feel good!

Other things I have been doing are interval exercise (4 minutes, 4 days/week) Ozone intravenous therapy (because it was viral), breathing exercises and focusing on gratitude and forgiveness.

I am indeed grateful for this forum and for Willie's excellent advice on supplements. Thanks so much and will let you know about more test results as they come in!

Maria Denzler

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Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
Locatie: Exloo

Re: VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY diagnosed Dec, 2014

Bericht door Willy » wo aug 26, 2015 4:53 pm

Execellent results Maria

I think you are right about the EF, this will be also better.

Some people have enlarged hearts. Over time the heart will also be reduced is size but it takes 1 - 2 years to get the heart in a normal shape.

But once your EF goes up your heart size will slowly reduce in size

Thank you for sharing this information
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Willy Witsel

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Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di mei 05, 2015 11:50 pm

Re: VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY diagnosed Dec, 2014

Bericht door mdenzler » do aug 27, 2015 2:19 am

Willy, thanks for the information about the enlarged heart. Mine is enlarged and for some reason at 3 months following my diagnosis my cardiologist acted irritated that I hadn't been doing everything right because my EF was still 25% and my heart enlarged! Your info makes me feel better about the time involved to get better. I feel that I am on my way now and that the supplements have a great deal to do with it! (You guys are amazing in your commitment to helping others, very inspiring.)

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Berichten: 14752
Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
Locatie: Exloo

Re: VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY diagnosed Dec, 2014

Bericht door Willy » do aug 27, 2015 1:39 pm

One question Maria, were do you live?

People on my facebook want to know this,

See ... ed_comment
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Willy Witsel

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Berichten: 19
Lid geworden op: di mei 05, 2015 11:50 pm

Re: VIRAL CARDIOMYOPATHY diagnosed Dec, 2014

Bericht door mdenzler » ma aug 31, 2015 6:48 am

Oh, I live in Nevada in the western United States, :)

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