What supplement to help with Diuretics like Lasix

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What supplement to help with Diuretics like Lasix

Bericht door praveen » do jan 03, 2019 2:28 am

Hi willie

thanks for sorting out my login.

What sort of supplement do you recommend for someone one Lasix 40mg twice a day. It seems to drain you off completely. also you can see the body is loosing muscle/fat.

Thanks for the help.


Praveen Panday

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Re: What supplement to help with Diuretics like Lasix

Bericht door Willy » do jan 03, 2019 3:40 pm

Do not start a new discussion

These are your old messages search.php?author_id=3528&sr=posts

Make ONE new post with a complete description of the disease, medication blood vaLues and ejectection fraction

current symptoms etc etc
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Willy Witsel

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