door Aleta » do sep 21, 2017 5:39 am
Hi Willy!
I hope things are doing good there!
We had Lara's cardio check up last week, I'm sorry for take this long to write, but I had my arm broken, then surgery, a day after clinic discharched me we had cardio, and after that took a rest. I'm ok now (it's a lie, still hurts).
Lara's heart improved a little more, Shortening fraction is now %33-35, it %1 but it's a lot for us!
The size was 3 or 4 mm bigger, but doc said not to worry because Lara grew a lot lately, in last 4 months she gained 1kg and grew 3cm!
I asked if what we need is that heart siza stays tha same while the rest of her bdy grows, and doc said yes, but is a little and said that is nothing to worry about (I'm a little).
Then she compared the Z-Score from 2015 to 2017, then was 7,2 and now is 2,3!!!!! Thank god!
So, doc stopped Spironolactone, and decrease carvedilol. it was 4,200mg and now a pill of 3,125. Scary.
We have to go back october 9 to check if everything keeps ok, and if it's so, I believe she said 4 months, but I'll ask less time!!!
Willy, all of this is in big part, thanks to you, you can't imagine how grateful we are.
No I'm gonna put my arm to rest again.
Big hugs!