Worsening cardiomyopathy

This forum is intended for international users to help them with the treatment of cardiomyopathy or heart failure.
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Lid geworden op: ma mei 19, 2008 9:52 am

Worsening Cardiomyopathey

Bericht door rosi1 » di jul 08, 2008 10:18 pm

Hello Corrij,
Sorry about the lack of reply. I was away working & not at home.
I have got all the new supplements you listed:
multi vitamin and,
Magnesium aspartate 1 x 200 mg a day
alpha-lipoic acid 1 x 250 mg a day
vitamin E 1 x 400 mg a day

What time of day should I take these in relation to the supplements I am taking already? I am still taking all the other supplements still.
What should the multivitamin contain? I have one which I am not taking at present called Omnium (a Solgar one) which is a multiple vitamin & mineral formula.
Thank you very much.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Corrij (therapeut)
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Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm

Bericht door Corrij (therapeut) » wo jul 09, 2008 10:39 am

Hello Rosi,

The best is to take the supplements with your meals except the amino acids like carnitine and taurine.

The omnium (solgar) is the Rolls Royce of the multi`s.
Do you take any bloodthinner?Because there is some vitamin K in the omnium and that could effect your INR.


I will be on vacation from 27 juli untill 9 august
Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.

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Lid geworden op: ma mei 19, 2008 9:52 am

Worsening Cardiomyopathy

Bericht door rosi1 » do jul 10, 2008 12:55 am

Hi Corrij,
How many of the Omnium should I take? 1 or 2 pills. I don't take anything to thin my blood so I suppose it will be OK to take this?
Warm regards,

Corrij (therapeut)
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Lid geworden op: do mei 19, 2005 10:46 pm

Bericht door Corrij (therapeut) » do jul 10, 2008 11:00 am

Hi Rosi,

You can take two of them, one in the morning and one in the evening :wink:

Hope your doing fine,

Those who do not have enough time for good health,
will not have good health for enough time.

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Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
Locatie: Exloo

Bericht door Willy » di nov 11, 2008 11:48 am

Hello all,

We received this email from Chris, Rosi's husband
Chris schreef: Dear Corry,

I don't know you, but I do know that Rosi was communicating with you about
her hear condition.

I am Chris, her husband of eighteen years.

I am very, very sorry to inform you that Rosi died, suddenly and most
unexpectedly last Saturday evening at just after nine thirty in the evening.

We had had the most superb time, having a dinner to celebrate my birthday
and to cement our continuing love for one another. We discussed our plans
for our hopes to purchase a small farmhouse in France and grow old together.

After dinner, we walked back to the centre of Notting Hill and caught a bus
toward home.

Less than five minutes later Rosi suddenly collapsed and I found myself
fighting to save her life by using CPR and screaming for other passengers to
call an ambulance and stop the bus. Two paramedic teams arrived within
minutes and did their very best and the hospital tried for nearly three
quarters of an hour to revive her; all to no avail.

An autopsy was performed yesterday and much to my surprise announced that
the results were 'inconclusive' and that no immediate cause of death could
be determined. Further tests will take several weeks to complete.

I shall of course, let you know what they eventually tell me.

The last few days have been very, very difficult indeed. It is only the
wonderful efforts made by our many friends that have kept me going.

I'd like to thank you for taking so much trouble to assist Rosi whilst she
was communicating with you and let you know how much I appreciate your
assistance in maintaining Rosi's wellbeing.

Fondest regards,

Chris Gray
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Willy Witsel

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Lid geworden op: di okt 09, 2001 3:00 am
Locatie: Exloo

Bericht door Willy » di nov 11, 2008 11:54 am

This is terrible news, specialy because Rosi was responding so good to the protocol. This is what Chris wrote about this. He will let me know what caused Rosi's death
Chris schreef: Willy,

I'm quite sure that Rosi would not mind, so please do place the message on the forum.

Thank you also for your sympathy.

As soon as I know the cause of Rosi's death, I shall let you know but
initially, it does not appear to have been her heart problem which has been confirmed by the pathologist to be minor.

Yours truly,

Chris and all family and friends of Rosi we miss Rosi just as much as you do.
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Willy Witsel

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Lid geworden op: do okt 04, 2007 10:14 am

Bericht door andreaQ » zo nov 16, 2008 7:59 am

Thanks for letting us know Willy,

This is very sad news indeed - Rosi sounded so upbeat and positive in her posts. My thoughts are with Chris at this time. Thanks again.
Stay happy - warm regards.

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