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Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Geplaatst: ma apr 24, 2006 12:33 am
door Gast

My name is Avner, first I want to thank you for this site and forum. You have provided me with a lot of practical and mental support in the first few weeks after I was diagnosed.

I am 53 old male, I was diagnosed with Idiopathic DCM two months ago.

Based on your protocol I take (per day):
* 2000mg L-carnitine
* 2000mg Taurine
* 300mg Q10
Additional to that I take I have added
* 750mg Magenesium
* Hawthorne
* 3000 mg FLAX oil
* 200mg Selenium
* Green Tea
And MSM and Chromium every second day.

I also take 25mg Captopril per day (12.5mg morning and evening).

I have Hypothyroidism for the last 15 years and I take 150mg of Artificial Thyroid medicine (called Altroxine) per day.

My diet is now under the supervision of a Chinese oriented therapist. I eat no sugar, no wheat, almost not fresh vegetables and fruits, only warm cooked or stir fried food, no coffee & no alcohol. This therapist, who is also physician, claims that my left heart is dilated as many other left organs in my body and she thinks that this is a structural issue and not a medical condition. I do not buy that part of her expertise, but I do collect effective pieces from various approaches.

I suffer from moderate arrhythmias but I remember that since I was 30 years old. Maybe now it is more frequent.

I exercise almost every day, swimming, walking and biking.

My father died from Herat Failure at the age of 72 due to Acromegaly that caused Cardiomyopathy. Initial blood tests and physical exams shows that I do not have Acromegaly but ruling it out is still in a process.

As for your questioner:

How did you notice you had it?
I fainted as a result of intensive training after which I took a long hot Sauna (which I do not do anymore). The doctor thinks that this event was not a result of my cardiomyopathy but as a result he asked me to do some medical tests and I than I was diagnosed with DCM.

When was this?
Two months ago.

What is the cause of it, according to the cardiologist?

What is your EJF %, pump function?
Rest: 43%
After training: 40%

How is your blood pressure, how high was it without medication and how high is it now?
65-75/120-130 same as it was before

What was your heart rate before and after the present medication?
55-65 resting

Did they examine whether your veins (neck or groin) let enough blood flow?
Yes. They are OK.

Do you suffer with decomposition or swollen ankles?

Are there certain things at the moment you can’t do anymore?
One year ago I used to exercise and easily reach 140-150 heart rate. I had stop training for few months and when I exercise today I feel that something is stopping me. It is not a specific feeling, I can hardly reach 130 HR. I am not sure if it is my physical condition or my state of mind.

Can you still climb the stairs for instance?

Or do you still do sports?
Yes, biking and swimming, 1 hour a day, 5-6 times a week.

How does the cardiologist call your illness?
Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Do you suffer from allergies or have an intolerance to food or medicines?

Do you get tired quickly?

Do you eat a lot of sugar?
Not anymore

After some exertion , do you quickly get short of breath?
In general no but it is harder for me to exercise in the high range of my heart rate (80%)

Hope it gives a good picture.

I have this tendency to over react and over invest when I face a problem. I would appreciate if you can give me your view to help balancing my regime, especially if you find that I overdo or miss something.

I also wish to know what can be the reason that I feel bounded/limited in my exercise though I have no symptoms of short breath.

Thanks again for your time and attention.

Gast is actually USID: Shavner

Geplaatst: ma apr 24, 2006 12:41 am
door shavner
I am a registered user under the name Shavner. For some reason my message was posted as a quest. I am sorry for that. Avner.

Geplaatst: ma apr 24, 2006 9:35 am
door Corrij (therapeut)
Hello Avner,

Firts of all welcome to this forum and thanks for answering all our questions :wink:

I agree with you that you over react a little bit,I think you`re taking to much,the dosages are to high.
If you want to follow the protocol I suggest the following,

Stop taking all of your supplements and start all over again with the MSM 3 x 1000 mg a day,and the Chromium GTF 2 x 200 mcg a day.
We will be added the others in a few weeks.
I also will give you the advice to stop taking flax oil,this can cause prostate cancer.
You also suffer with cardiac arrhythmia?
Then there is a special test you can do to see if you have a shortage of potassium, this is often a cause of the problem.
You can see if this is the case with you by eating 4 or 5 ripe bananas a day. If you have cardiac arrhythmia and it gets less by eating the bananas then we can always proceed to taking potassium tablets.

I suggest that you start with 2 x 200mcg Chromium GFT, you can start this without a problem.
MSM, the final dosage is 3000 mg but we’ll build it up slowly, I suggest 500 mg for the first few days, If this goes well then 500 extra untill you are at the 3000 mg.
You have to build it up slowly because MSM detoxifies and it can cause headache, diarrhoea or tiredness.
Msm and chromium are not a part of the heart failure protocol but they are meant to give you more energy.

Furthermore I would like to advice you to start with acetyl L-Carnitine 3x 500 mg a day.

The link below gives you more info on L-Carnitine ... t=Abstract

Kind regards,


Geplaatst: ma apr 24, 2006 11:26 pm
door shavner

Thanks a lot for your quick answer.

I will follow your advice and take it more slowly.


Geplaatst: ma apr 24, 2006 11:37 pm
door Corrij (therapeut)
Hello Avner,

No thanks , :P I am glad if I can help you a little bit by giving advice :D

When you start taking the MSM will you keep me informed?

Just build up the MSM slowly and don’t hesitate to ask me anything you want.


Geplaatst: di apr 25, 2006 11:00 am
door Willy
Hello Avner welcome on this forum!!

Please you the great Brands when you select supplements. Brands like solgar, pharma nord, NOW etc provide excellent products.

L-carnitine, which type

Geplaatst: vr apr 28, 2006 4:12 pm
door shavner

Thanks again for the warm welcome.

When coming to pick the L-Carnitine (LC) I find that there are several types like: Acetyl-LC, LC-Fumarate, LC-Tartrate, Propionyl LC and 100% LC. Some recommends the Furmarate L-Carnitine as the one which is most suitable for cardio deseases and calim that the Acetyl-LC is more focused on brain functions. Can you give me your opinion or refer me to further information on this issue?


Geplaatst: vr apr 28, 2006 4:25 pm
door Corrij (therapeut)

Geplaatst: di mei 02, 2006 3:43 pm
door Corrij (therapeut)
Hi Avner,

Could you let me know how things are going, and I mean with the MSM?
No problems?

Just build up the MSM slowly and don’t hesitate to ask me anything you want.


MSM and a request

Geplaatst: zo mei 07, 2006 9:44 am
door shavner
Hi Corrij

Sorry for not answering earlier, I was away.

The MSM is going fine, I have no side effects and feel good. I will follow the protocol as you recommend.

I went today to see a specialist and told him about your protocol, he was very sceptic about Q10 and he asked me to forward him all the researches links regarding Q10. Unfortunately the links in the site cannot be coppied. Is it possible to send me allthe links you have about Q10 so I will forward it to him ? If it will cahnge his mind I see it as a step forward.


Geplaatst: di mei 09, 2006 11:13 am
door Corrij (therapeut)
Hi shavner,

You can search on google to find more about Q 10 or you can print the links I`ve sent you and let your specialist read it


Geplaatst: wo mei 31, 2006 10:37 pm
door Corrij (therapeut)
Hi Shavner,

Can you let me know how things are going?


much much better

Geplaatst: zo jun 18, 2006 4:31 pm
door shavner
Hi Corrij,

Sorry for being late with my answer.

In fact I am very well.

I am on my Q10 (300mg), Acetyl-Carnitine(2000mg), Taurine(2000mg) + Vitamin C(1000mg), Magnesium(800mg), D-Ribose(3000mg), Selenium(250mg). I am aloso on 10 mg of ANALAPRIL (digitalis).

I lost 8 kg based on a diet given by a Chinese doctor, focusing on strengthening the heart and increasing flow (basically no milk/diary products, no sugar, no wheat flour in any form, no alcohol, no tropical fruits and mostly cooked and warm food, avoiding cold and reducing fresh food as much as I can).

I am doing 30-60 min of sport a day (walking, running, swimming).

I have no arrhythmias any more and I had about 800 VPC's per hour!

My ability in training increased and I can no stay on 135-145 HR for 20-30 minutes without a problem. Before I started my regime I could hardly reach 115 and stay there…

In fact I can hardly remember that I have cardiomyopathy :)

My next checkup is in September when I will be re-evaluated for my EF and I am looking forward to see the results.

My question is, do you think I can decrease supplement quantities at any stage?

Thanks again for everything.


Geplaatst: zo jun 18, 2006 5:34 pm
door Corrij (therapeut)
Hi Avner,

I am very glad to hear that you feeling great :D

You`re just started to use supplements,in about one year maybe you can reduce the amount of supplements your taking :wink:
